Unlocking an eCW record after approval is granted

Nita Slanina Updated by Nita Slanina

eCW Patient Record Unlock

When you get a EHR ticket to unlock a medical record encounter - you must first have approval. See Below
  1. Update the ticket by choosing macro:
  1. Then you will need to add the 2 names in CC on the ticket for the approval to unlock the ticket.
  1. Once approval is granted, contact the person on the ticket to schedule a time when they want you to unlock.
I usually am on the phone with them when opening up the encounter, so we are both looking at the same thing.
  1. Login to the eCW Admin console admin console.
  2. Navigate on the left-hand side and Click on Admin:
  1. Click on the drop-down arrow as shown below:
  1. Choose Patient Lookup:
  1. Then Choose the Account No (MRN), this number will be provided in the ticket:
  2. Put the MRN number in and Search:
NOTE: It is recommended that you speak with the ticket requestor on the phone here to verify the correct encounter date and time before unlocking the record.
  1. Once you have chosen the correct encounter, go to the addendum at the bottom of the page and then choose Unlock.
  2. Then, sign out of the patient chart and the admin console.
  3. The requestor will update and relock the addendum record.
  4. Update the ticket with whom you spoke, the encounter time opened, and state that the requestor will lock the record.
  5. You can then resolve and close the ticket.

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