Migrate content to OneDrive

Andrew Hericks Updated by Andrew Hericks

Moving Home (H:) Drive Documents to OneDrive

1. Open Web Browser to https://portal.office365.com

2. Enter your Email Address (Firstname.lastname@avitapharmacy.com)

3. Enter your Password

4. Enter Your MFA Code, if needed.

5. You are now logged into the Web Portal of Office 365

6. Click on the App Launcher in the top left-hand corner

7. Select OneDrive

8. Once you are in OneDrive click Upload

9. Select Files

10. Browse to your Home (H:) Drive

11. Highlight all the files and folders in the Home (H:) Drive by using your Keyboard by clicking CTRL-A and that will highlight all the documents in the Home (H:) Drive

12. Next, click Open and all your files in the Home (H:) Drive will start uploading into OneDrive. Please be patient and it could take some time depending on how many files and how large they are.

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