eCW Credit Card Configuration for Users

Nita Slanina Updated by Nita Slanina

eCW Credit Card Configuration for Users

NOTE: Review the process of configuring credit card machines for front office use within eCW

  • Users will need to change their credit card machine within the My Settings screen based on the window they are sitting at.
  • Once changed they will need to logout and back in for settings to take effect.

  1. Click on the dashes at the top left of the screen. Then Click Menu in the black bar on the left. Next, Click Settings in the middle right of the screen:
Note: You may need to scroll over the settings button.

  1. Click on the My Settings button.
Note: Clicking on the star to the right before clicking on My Settings will put it in your favorites section, which will allow you to find it easier next time.

  1. On the left of the My Settings screen, Click on Defaults. On the right side of the screen, under Default Credit Card Reader Device, Click the circle next to EMV.

  1. In the dropdown to the right of EMV, Click on the window that you are sitting at.
Note: This will need to be done anytime you move to a new window.

  1. Click Ok at the bottom right of the screen. Log out and back in for the machine to be active when you run a card.
Note: Any time you move computers, you will need to change your credit card machine settings in My Settings to correspond to the window you are at.

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eCW Credit Card Machine Setup
