How to Connect to Remote Desktop - Financial or Other Apps

Eltina Pride Updated by Eltina Pride

How to Connect to Remote Desktop for Accessing Finance Documents

This guide will walk you through the Remote Desktop Subscription process as well as

Multi-factor authentication to connect your subscribed applications.

Launch Remote Desktop

Select the Remote Desktop app from the Start Menu or Desktop

Install Remote Desktop

If you do not have a remote desktop to launch, as seen in the previous step.

Click here to download the latest copy from Microsoft and then double-click RemoteDesktop_XXXX as seen below.

Select Next to begin the Install Process.

Select Next to proceed and wait for the Finish button to appear.

Select Finish once prompted, and the Remote Desktop app will launch automatically.

Open Additional Options.

Select the 3 dots as seen below to open additional options.

Select Subscribe

Select Subscribe from the Additional Options

Enter your Email

Enter your email to begin the subscription process

Select Next to Proceed

Select Next to continue the subscription process.

Enter the Password to Proceed

Enter your password to verify access to the subscription

More information is required for MFA

If you have not set up Multi-Factor Authentication, then you will be prompted for additional

information as seen below.

Select Next to proceed.

Select Next to Proceed

Download the Authenticator on your phone with the on-screen instructions.

Then select Next to proceed.

Select Next to Proceed

On your phone, you will select the add option indicated by a plus as detailed with the onscreen


Select Next to proceed.

Scan the QR code with the Authenticator App

Use the Authenticator App on your phone to scan the QR code as seen below.

Select Next to Proceed

When you see a 6 -igit code in the Authenticator App, then you will select Next to


Enter 6 digit code from the Authenticator App

Use the 6-digit code from your Authenticator App to verify it is added.

Then select Next to proceed.

Select Done to Proceed

Once the Aunticator app is connected successfully, then select Done to finish Multi-

Factor Authentication (MFA).

Remote Desktop is finding resources.

The Remote Desktop app will now begin pulling the Remote Sessions available to you

as VDI resources associated with your subscription process.

Just wait for the options to load below.

Double-click the finance resource

Once the resources have finished, it will show all your available connections as seen


Double-click the computer icon to connect, such as the one seen below. (The Name maybe different depending on what applications you have access to.)

Enter the Password to Proceed

You will be asked to verify your password again upon connection.

Select Yes to Allow Connection

After verifying your password, it will ask you to allow the connection.

Select Yes to proceed.

Connect to Remote Desktop Session

You will now be connected to the Remote Desktop session you are subscribed to.

Launch the selected app using the Desktop shortcuts.

You can now launch any of the shortcuts on the desktop by double-clicking the desired shortcut. (See the example below, your apps will differ depending on your department and job title).

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