How to Check Warehouse Stock

Milan Ingram Updated by Milan Ingram

How to Check Warehouse Stock

1. In the Filter section, type in the location of the warehouse you would like to check stock for and select it:

2. Select the appropriate status for the stock you are trying to locate. Available is what is ready to be reused at the warehouse.

3. If you would like to check on a specific asset type, search for it in the asset type drop-down in the filter by section:

4. Always confirm with warehouse staff (through tickets and teams) that they have the device you need that is shown as available in their stock.

What the different Asset Manager status' mean:

Green - Available - The device has been wiped, and provisioning has been installed and tested.

Blue - In Use - currently deployed and being used by a customer.

Yellow - Reserved - a) Waiting for the device to be returned. The "ITAD - internal" ticket is still open, or the device has been returned but has not yet been wiped or tested. b) Devices set aside for someone specific or a specific position, such as a backfill from a termed position being rehired.

Orange - In Repair - The device has been returned due to an issue or has physical damage, so further testing or warranty work is needed.

Red - Retired - The device is being sent to the ITAD vendor, but the Certificate of Destruction has not yet been received.

Deleted - this should not be done until the Certificate of Destruction has been received. The ITAD team should be the only ones doing this.

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